Summer Light

Summer Light
48×48″ | Oil
Available at Silverwood Gallery in Bolton Landing, NY
Please contact Chelsea or Char at 518-583-3600 or 518-644-2512 for purchase info.
Ships Worldwide

This is the latest large oil painting completed. It has been delivered to Silverwood Gallery to replace the other large 48×48″ painting that sold there last month! Here are few pics of it in process:
From start to finish!

This is where it started. I love the looseness of this warm under-painting.


Here it is in the new studio.

Detail of the rocks.

Here it is on the wall at Silverwood Gallery in Bolton Landing, NY.

I am pleased to say that the wonderful ladies at Silverwood have found homes for my two large oils (Mountain River, 36×36 and Summer Splendor, 48×48″) in the show. I’m doing the happy dance!

Until next time…